Saturday, August 7, 2010


It is only recently that I have come to fully realise how important it is to do in life just and only that that you truly wish to do; forget the money, forget the job security, forget what is right, what is more logical, forget what everybody is doing, and what your parents wish you do or even what you “think” is right for you. Your inner gut feeling, your instinct will never fail you, and it is it that you must follow, all through your life. If it fails you – think again. try and remember – it must not have been your very first instinct.

I grew up listening to two kinds of people in my home. Mom always tried to bring me up in a balance – yes it is good to do what you want to, but you must also sometimes find a way to do that which is necessary, even if it is not something you particularly enjoy. Dad on the other hand preached about doing what the heart desires. And all my childhood I grew up believing in both the views. It is only now that I realise how far apart the two things are – and which one is it that’s going to be my life-mantra.

Few are the people who get to make a living out of what they most love to do. There are countless things that go into the decision – and enough has already been said about it by everyone around me and around you too, I’m guessing. But what I really want to say is – if you have a choice, make a right one. Make one that’s right for you, not one that’s been “held” right by generations and societies. Society is never there to pull you out of your abyss when you get depressed or suicidal. It is not a wrong thing either I guess. The world was here before me – it doesn’t owe me anything. It has always given me, from my first waking moment. But what’s to be remembered is – just as it doesn’t owe you anything, nothing that came after you in the world is its to take away from you; at least nothing that you are a part in the making or creation of. And you mustn’t let the world take it away from you.

I grew up hearing Dad say things like – be yourself, march to the beat of your own drummer. And I used to smile, amused at his remark. At the time I used to think – how strange is that! Cos I thought how could I be anyone else but me? But now I know just what he meant.

Don’t feel like going to work today? Don’t go. What do you say when the Boss asks? Exactly that – I didn’t feel like coming; maybe fabricate your reply with “and I didn’t want to do a dishonest job”! But there is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to, or not wanting to do a certain thing once in a while, even if it is something you love to do!

Nothing is more important than your peace of mind, your quiet, your health and your happiness.

And you must not be required to wait till kingdom comes for it.

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