Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I know you are not here… And that you will probably never be…

I know you are never going to read this… these words that I have got to write anyway…

I don’t know you… I don’t know where you are… but I can somehow feel it, within the heart of my heart, that as I write these words one by one, as they come to my mind, you can perceive them… somewhere… somehow… I don’t know what to say to you… does anything need to be said? They say when you really want something; the whole universe conspires to get it for you… I don’t know what I want… but if you can feel me, you may well know by now, what it is that I want…

And till then, I will wait… in this pain that doesn’t really hurt… in this wait that is necessary… I have come to like it now… come to live in this longing to meet you someday… Will you be like I have seen you to be in my thoughts, or have felt you to be like when I close my eyes? Will I recognize you if I saw you in a crowded street? Is that what ‘striking a chord’ means? I believe in serendipity… do you? Will you ever come across this? Will you try to reach out to me when you do? Maybe you will… Maybe you won’t…

And even though I really wish you would… a part of me wants to live in this longing… forever…


Unknown said...

Mushy and very senti . Well written. Try writing the same emotions in a poem or a felling it'll turn out better .

LITWIZ said...

honey....that is very beautiful....deep n poignant...but i agree with pavan,it cud have sounded better in a poem form,but still like ur idea of writting it in prose

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